fire tower cab repurposed as a mobile art space

small format video, solar-powered custom electronics, photos printed on vellum



Eccentric Grids: Mapping the Managed Forest: Time Study is an installation in Forest Art Colab Space that rifts on the notion of the Wunderkammer or Cabinet of Curiosities. Time Cycle ponders our current cultural constructs of time contrasting the managed forests of slash and longleaf pine with the historic life cycles of pine forests--a pine in a managed forest (15-80 years.) versus an old growth (300 years +).  After examining ephemera from the slash and long leaf pine forests, I created translucent images based on my research mounting them in the windowpanes of the fire tower. I juxtapose images of specimens from the Museum, grained reclaimed flooring and old growth with video of the perimeter of pine plantations as a way to recontextualize the familiar local North Florida landscape as wondrous. Scientists from the Paleobotany Department at the Florida Museum of Natural History and IFAS, rangers from Gold Head Branch State Park, and salvaged lumber experts have contributed to this collaboration.

various shot of forest tower mobile colab space